Narratives contribute actively to the development of a better society
My name is Rui Veras. A creative European at heart, I'm concerned with the development and sustainability of societies. I stand for evolution over revolution, supporting interculturalism and a global mindset. Re-imagining the future is a good exercise to develop narratives that deliver a sustainable world.
Social scientists never had so many tools to segment their populations. Yet, emotion is the key to connect to the different segments that compose society. Working with different kinds of experts we are able to develop a higher state of mindfulness, consciousness, or simple self-awareness that enables us to connect with our mission and purpose. This is true for individuals, teams and organisations.
Curiosity keeps me up-to-date in world affairs and communication trends. With pressing societal challenges, it is paramount to develop quality content that enables audiences to be digitally savvy. To deliver on this, I identify tangible opportunities to drive engagement and solutions.
Creativity needs structure and I bring a collaborative approach in a positive and solution-oriented style. I'm a skilled expert in digital, storytelling, video production, media, stage events and sustainability. Drawing inspiration from science-fiction movies, architecture and art in its many forms, I contribute by thinking out of the box in an experimental but integrated manner.
Contact me if you would like to collaborate.

Pause and observe.
Map and plan.
Pay attention to your senses and to those around you. How can we use the circumstances to deliver the goals we set?

Be authentic.
Deliver your message, get the right tone by thinking of your audience.

Edit, play, re-play.
The right story can change the world. 3 seconds is the current attention opportunity for grabbing online audiences.

Observe the reaction.
Knowing what works with your audience will allow to tailor and engage.